Fuel Tool is the UK's leading online price comparison website for domestic heating oil.
Fuel Tool delivers the best heating oil prices from the most competitive and lowest priced suppliers across the UK. Simple and easy to use, we don't just deliver heating oil, we also deliver first class customer service.
Our suppliers give us their best prices which we pass on to you. No more calling around to get quotes, Fuel Tool does it all for you. Just enter the amount of heating oil you require along with your postcode and let us do the work. It couldn't be easier! Access Fuel Tool anwhere, anytime and on any device with absolute ease. |
What you can do at Fuel Tool:
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Helping you track Fuel Tool's current heating oil prices, enabling you to order when the prices are lowest. |
Keep up to date with heating oil news
Stay informed as we post and tweet the most current industry articles on the UK heating oil market. |
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View and track your previous prices and orders from our easy-to-use, secure online control panel. |
Current Global Crude Oil Prices
Heating oil prices are usually directly affected by the base price of crude oil so have a look at the chart below to get an idea of the recent price trends. Prices are in U.S. dollars per barrel. The below graph can be edited. Roll your mouse to see further back in history... Give it a try!
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Fuel Tool News |
Stock Markets and Fuel Prices Plunge
As a result of the corona virus outbreak, Saudi Arabia and other various OPEC countries have responded to the downturn by reducing the price of crude oil. Looking at the trend graph shown on the Fuel Tool home page, you can see the dramatic drop that happened today. This will obviously have a knock on effect with heating oil so that's good news if you're looking to buy oil.
Low Prices Bloom
Along with warmer weather and the appearance of spring flowers, we wish to welcome spring with some very low prices on heating oil. You may have noticed the downward trend recently and it appears to be continuing this way at the moment. In November last year, prices were a full 5p/litre higher on average, so it's a great time to order. Give us a call on 01352 219948 or use the Instant Quote Box (above) and get your fuel today.
Huge Drop in Prices
Join us in celebrating the new year by announcing a downward trend in heating oil prices. In the past month since December 1st, we have see nearly a 4p/litre average price drop across Fuel Tool. As temperatures have reached proper winter levels, it's never been a better time to order. Across the UK, Fuel Tool delivers to every postcode at the most competitive prices you will find. Give us a call on 01352 219948 or use the Instant Quote box to place your order now.
Click to view more news at the Fuel Tool Heating Oil News Page. |